Happy Birthday To You!

Jun 27, 2021

Today is National Happy Birthday To You Day!

Photo by Lidya Nada on Unsplash

Celebrate by getting out the ice cream and enjoying the sunshine (if it's summer for you, at least) and singing happy birthday to yourself (no, it's not as stupid as it sounds! Besides, you know you could work on those singing skills)

Happy Birthday To You Day is observed annually on June 27th, and it's a fun day to relax and appreciate your existence (and your mother's 9 months of pain) and all your siblings' and friends' toleration of your ongoing existence.

Happy Birthday!
Stay Nerdy 😊🧐 πŸ€“ πŸ€“




Casual writer, word of the day, psychology, a lover of the mind, and creative exploration. Educational Reform Activist.