
2 min readJun 24, 2021

Hello fellow nerds!

I’ve been renovating my room recently and wanted to do some research on some questions I had. Like

“Is making renovations good for your health?”,

“Can renovation cause insomnia?”,

“How does renovating a room affect your mental health?”

So, I’ll try and answer these questions of mine… after some research!

Photo by Eugen Str on Unsplash

How renovation affects your health

Ah, renovation. One of my favorite things to do :) I love to re-arrange furniture, re-paint a wall, clean off the musty windows and wipe off the back of the closet (and clear out all those clothes I’ve shoved back there). After deep cleaning my room, I feel refreshed and neat, like I could just sit and stare at my newly cleaned room for hours. But my question is if I feel that way, does that mean the act of cleaning and renovating improved my health? Was it just the act of getting out all the dust or organizing that improved my mood? Is this just a personality thing?

So I did some research on and found out I was right. It is a personality thing. Though some people like traditional methods of calming down and easing stress while some people (like myself) find cleaning therapeutic.

When your room is cluttered it can be hard to focus and get things done. When your room is clean and neat, it's a lot easier to study for that test or finish that project.

“To the brain, clutter represents unfinished business and this lack of completeness can be highly stressful for some people. This fact is especially true when people have significant concerns pressing in on their lives.” —

Now, my question about insomnia…

Can re-arranging furniture give you insomnia?

In an article by, Sally Norton writes about how moving can cause insomnia.

“Like any other big change, moving house causes stress and insomnia for many different reasons. The organization of the move and adjusting to the new environment may lead to stress and sleep deprivation, which can cause a lot of emotional and health issues.”

When you move, it causes stress because you are in a new environment (like how it's hard to sleep on a bed that's not yours). The change of having your bed face the window instead of the door can keep you up at night, and eventually stressed.

Cleaning is always a good idea, but sometimes, re-arranging can lead to stress and even insomnia. Weird huh?

Stay Nerdy! 😊😊🤓🤓


The Relationship Between Mental Health and Cleaning, Rachel Goldman (PhD), February 23, 2021,,

Moving And Insomnia: Causes and Solutions, Sally Norton, June 30, 2020,,




Casual writer, word of the day, psychology, a lover of the mind, and creative exploration. Educational Reform Activist.